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Filters > Andere > Baader > Baader Filters halfapochromatische filter, 1,25" (planoptisch gepolijst)
Artikelnummer: 10901

Filters halfapochromatische filter, 1,25" (planoptisch gepolijst)

$ 95,00 incl.btw + verzendkosten
korte termijn
Klaar voor verzending in 1-2 weken + verzendtijd


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The Fringekiller blocks about a third of the blue light. The transmission in red and green light is 100%. The resulting loss of light over the entire spectrum is only about 12%.

The semi-apo filter blocks more than 25% in blue and red light. The proportion is lower in green, but about 30% of light is lost across the entire spectrum. But the colours are once again neutral, except for a slight green tint. The light reducing effect of the semi-apo filter is about half a stop.

(Bernd Gährken)





Baader Filters halfapochromatische filter, 1,25" (planoptisch gepolijst)
Afbeelding bij opmerking van de expert


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