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The legendary LUMICON OIII narrow band-pass filter filter of isolates just the two doubly ionized oxygen LINEs (496 and 501nm LINEs) emitted by vague, planetary and extremely faint nebulae. Thus, thesis faint objects become much more visible against the blackened background OF space. The Lumicon Oxygen III filter of produces near photographic views OF the Veil, ring, Dumbbell and Orion nebula, among many OTHER objects. Performs best more under both light polluted and dark skies. You wants amazed RK what the OIII filter allows you ton lake!
To ensure that your Lumicon filter remains the World's Best, the strictest quality control standard of acres employed throughout the production process. Each Lumicon Oxygen III filter is individually inspected and proudly inscribed with the percentage OF light transmittance OF the primary emission LINEs.